
Our History

Pilchner Schoustal International has its origins in 1986 when Martin Pilchner began Pilchner Associates.  The company had a keen focus on designing and building recording studios and production environments.  Martin’s previous background included growing up in the family construction business, and studying electronics which led to working at the local phone company in computer communications.  He left that position to play in a touring rock band and began working with other artists as a producer/ engineer.  He gained experience in several studios and eventually converted the band tour bus into a mobile recording studio.

In 1983 Martin moved to Toronto to study recording engineering and immediately after graduating in 1985 was asked to teach classes which included computer science, signal processing, digital audio, and acoustics.  Martin has continued his teaching efforts and has been the Associate Director of the Audio Production Program at Harris Institute since 1991.

In 1990 Rick Schoustal joined and the company became Pilchner Schoustal.  Rick’s background in audio production and engineering as well as business was a natural fit. Rick was key in developing and streamlining the business operations. Rick also being equally adept at digging into any project component as required. Their partnership has now spanned almost three decades.

While continuing to service major clients, and an eye to improving the company’s capabilities, Martin undertook an architecture degree 1991-1995. A strong knowledge of construction, electronics, audio production and architecture are the foundation upon which the Pilchner Schoustal brand has been built.

In 1998 PSI developed Acoustic-X, which was predictive analysis software aimed at optimizing room acoustics for recording studios and listening environments.  The software was well received and used by consultants and educations facilities world-wide.

Throughout the new millennium PSI has continued to expand design efforts realizing cutting-edge facilities and servicing a wide range of clients from individuals, corporations and institutions to the entertainment industry elite.  The work is frequently featured in trade publications and recognized for industry awards.

Martin and Rick have built a dedicated team at PSI geared to developing, packaging and delivering comprehensive client solutions. Key team members include Ryan Turnbull.

Since the beginning PSI has been driven by passion in their pursuit designing and realizing meaningful acoustic architecture.  With now over 30 years of experience and well over 2,500 facilities world-wide to their credit, the enthusiasm in helping clients reach their ambitions has only grown.

Our Reach

Cover Stories

Published Articles

Magazine Date Year Feature
Mix Magazine Jun 2024 Songsbury Studios
Professional Sound Aug 2023 Songsbury Studios
Mix Magazine Jun 2023 Class of 2023 Strada XR
Professional Sound Apr 2023 Songsbury Studios
Professional Sound Feb 2023 Songsbury Studios
Professional Sound Apr 2020 Hapy Hipi Studios
Professional Sound Dec 2019 Artscape Daniels Launchpad
Mix Magazine Jun 2019 Hapy Hipi Studios – Class of 2019
TEC Awards Aug 2018 Berkeley Inc. TEC Award Nominations
Mix Magazine Jun 2018 Berkeley Inc. – Class of 2018
Sonic Scoop May 2018 Reservoir: An NYC Studio Takes on a Complex Persona
Mix Magazine Dec 2017 Mastering Palace – Celebrates 10 Years
Sonic Scoop Jun 2017 Regal Hearing: Q&A with Dave Kutch of the Mastering Palace
Mix Magazine May 2017 National Music Centre – Class of 2017
TEC Awards Dec 2016 Mau5trap TEC Award Nominations
Magnetic Magazine May 2016 Mau5trap Completed
Pulse Radio May 2016 Deadmau5′ New Studio
Billboard Magazine Apr 2016 Mau5trap Walkthrough
TEC Awards Dec 2015 Jukasa TEC Award Nominations
TEC Awards Dec 2015 Beltway TEC Award Nominations
Mix Magazine Oct 2015 Mastering Palace Adds New Studio
Mix Magazine Aug 2015 Big Move: Deluxe Toronto
Mix Magazine Jul 2015 Class of 2015 Jukasa
Professional Sound Apr 2015 Deluxe Toronto
NMC.ca Sep 2014 National Music Centre Recording Facility
TEC Awards Oct 2014 Studio Baumhaus
Professional Sound Sep 2014 Jukasa 
Mix Magazine Jun 2014 Class of 2014 Studio Baumhaus
Mix Magazine Aug 2013 Q&A with Martin Pilchner
Mix Magazine Jun 2013 Class of 2013 Laval Universite
Professional Sound Aug 2012 Revolution Recording
Mix Magazine Jun 2012 Class of 2012 Revolution Recorders
TEC Awards Oct 2011 Revolution Recording
Mix Magazine Jul 2011 Class of 2011 Sherpa Studios
Mix Magazine Jul 2011 Class of 2011 Liberty Studios
AES Journal Mar 2011 Parma Modus Magnus
AES Bulletin Jan 2011 Parma Modus Magnus
TEC Awards Oct 2009 Downtown Studios
Mix Magazine Jan 2009 Downtown Studios
TEC Awards Oct 2007 Great Divide Studios
Mix Magazine Jun 2007 Great Divide Studios
Mix Magazine Jun 2007 Star City Recording Company
Professional Sound Oct 2006 DNA Studios
AMA Conference Proceedings Jun 2006 Acoustic Rationalism
AMA Conference Proceedings Jun 2006 Studio Phenomenology
Professional Sound May 2006 Yash Raj
Professional Sound Feb 2006 Saint Claire
TEC Awards Oct 2005 Saint Claire
Mix Magazine Aug 2005 Saint Claire
Mix Magazine Jun 2005 Saint Claire
Mix Magazine Jun 2005 Joah Caravalho Mastering
Mix Magazine Jun 2005 Cherry Beach
Professional Sound Jun 2005 Joah Caravalho Mastering
Pro Sound Systems Mar 2005 Why Artists Hate Studios
Mix Magazine Feb 2005 Supersonic
Mix Magazine Nov 2004 M. Night Shyamalan
Robb Report (Home Ent) Sep/Oct 2004 Raynault Theatre
Professional Sound Oct 2004 Cherry Beach
Mix Magazine Mar 2004 Angel Mountain
Professional Sound Oct 2003 Angel Mountain
TEC Awards Oct 2003 Angel Mountain
Mix Magazine Sep 2003 Angel Mountain
Mix Magazine Jun 2002 Surround Sound
Professional Sound Dec 2001 Guillon Theatre
Mix Magazine Jun 2001 Metropolitan
Mix Magazine Jun 2001 Phase One
Mix Magazine Jun 2001 The Post Shop
Digidesign Mar 2001 Circa Music / Tapeless
Prosound News Mar 2001 Circa Music / Tapeless
Mix Magazine Aug 2000 Masterhouse
Mix Magazine Dec 2000 Masterhouse
Studio Sound Dec 2000 Metroplolitan
Studio Sound Dec 2000 Angel Mountain
Audio Media Feb 2000 Immersion
Professional Sound Feb 2000 The Post Shop
Mix Magazine Jun 2000 Descahmps
Professional Sound Jun 2000 Chalet Studios
Mix Magazine Mar 2000 Designer’s Finest / Much Music
Prosound News Nov 2000 Masterhouse
Surround Professional Nov 2000 Tapeless
Boradcast Engineering Sep 2000 Deschamps / Much Music
Hampton Daily Press Nov 1999 C Black Studios
Recording Apr 1998 Acoustic-X
Professional Sound Dec 1998 Open Mike
Voice Coil Feb 1998 Acoustic-X
AES Bulletin Jan 1998 Acoustic-X
Electronic Musician Jan 1998 Acoustic-X
Grammy Magazine Jul 1998 Article
Mix Magazine Jun 1998 Acoustic-X
Professional Sound Jun 1998 Acoustic-X
Audio Media Sep 1998 Surround Monitoring Part Two
Mix Magazine Dec 1997 Acoustic-X
Professional Sound Mar 1997 Harris Institute
Professional Sound May 1997 Metronome
AES Bulletin Nov 1997 Acoustic-X
AES Daily Sep 1997 AES
Professional Sound Jul 1996 Metalworks
Mix Magazine Aug 1995 Lydian
Broadcast + Technology Feb 1995 CTV Network
Professional Sound Jul 1995 Lydian
Professional Sound Apr 1994 Profile
Mix Magazine Dec 1993 Room with a View
Mix Magazine Nov 1993 Metalworks
Broadcast + Technology Jul 1991 Winfield Sound
Professional Sound Jun 1991 Studio Design
Professional Sound Jul 1990 Performance Spaces
Mix Magazine Jul 1989 Fanshawe College